Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aviva has launched its new online car insurance brand

Announced as part of its H1 2011 results, the new distribution channel forms part of Aviva's strategy to continue to grow its UK general insurance business.

The new service will be available shortly on and is already online at - with further price comparison sites planned for later this year.

The new service offers fully comprehensive insurance only and is aimed at lower risk motorists who are aged between 21 and 75; have had no more than one at-fault claim in the past four years and own a car that is no more than 13 years old and is worth less than £40,000.

Happy to serve themselves
Steve Treloar, Aviva's retail director, said: "Quote me happy is an online-only insurance brand, specifically designed for internet shoppers - offering fully-comprehensive insurance for lower risk drivers.

"Customers will be able to get quotes, buy insurance, print documents and manage their policies online.

"This new service builds on the success of our existing motor insurance business. It is deliberately distinct from the Aviva brand - which already gives customers the choice of dealing with us directly online, by phone or through an intermediary or other corporate partner. Quote me happy is designed for people who want a good quality product, but are happy to serve themselves."


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